The Greatest Messages of All Time

God kept every one of His promises

Charles Stanley

"God kept every one of His promises and prophesies regarding the Messiah. For example, Jesus died on the cross before the soldiers decided the break the legs of those being crucified (Ex. 12:46; Ps. 34:20). But they pierced His side with a spear to be certain of His death (Isa. 53:5). At what seemed to be the end, Christ was buried in a rich man’s tomb (Isa. 53:9); however, He did not stay in the grave."

Preacher Messages

Compiled by Thomas George






Why you should never vote or even associate with the Democrat Party as their entire platform is not Biblical

From Abortion, America First, Border Walls, Environmentalism, Gay Marriage, Kneeling during the Anthem, Progressive Taxes, Sanctuary Cities, the 2nd Amendment to Wealth Redistribution the platform of the Democrat Party is contrary to the word of God