The Greatest Messages of All Time

This Nation was founded upon the belief that every human being
is endowed by our Creator

George W. Bush

"This Nation was founded upon the belief that every human being is endowed by our Creator with certain "unalienable rights." Chief among them is the right to life itself. The Signers of the Declaration of Independence pledged their own lives, fortunes, and honor to guarantee inalienable rights for all of the new country's citizens. These visionaries recognized that an essential human dignity attached to all persons by virtue of their very existence and not just to the strong, the independent, or the healthy. That value should apply to every American, including the elderly and the unprotected, the weak and the infirm, and even to the unwanted."

U.S. President Messages

Compiled by Thomas George








Why you should never vote or even associate with the Democrat Party as their entire platform is not Biblical