"God requires you to love your neighbour"
G. Finney
requires you to love your neighbour as yourself. Again he says,
"let every one look not upon his own things, but upon the things
of others." "Let every one seek not his own, but another's wealth."
These are express requirements of God; they are the very spirit
and substance of the Gospel. Benevolence is a desire to do good
to others. A willingness to deny self, for the purpose of promoting
the interest of your neighbor, is the very spirit of Christ,
it is the heart and soul of his Gospel."
Compiled by Thomas George
Why you should never vote or even associate with the Democrat Party as
their entire platform is not Biblical
From Abortion,
America First, Border Walls, Environmentalism, Gay Marriage, Kneeling
during the Anthem, Progressive Taxes, Sanctuary Cities, the 2nd Amendment
to Wealth Redistribution the platform of the Democrat Party is contrary
to the word of God