seeks and loves authority. Greatness is never authoritative,
and it thereby becomes the authority to which the after ages
appeal. He who seeks, loses; he who is willing to lose, wins
all men. Be thy simple self, thy better self, thy impersonal
self, and lo! thou art great! He who selfishly seeks authority
shall succeed only in becoming a trembling apologist courting
protection behind the back of acknowledged greatness. He who
will become the servant of all men, desiring no personal authority,
shall live as a man, and shall be called great. "Abide in the
simple and noble regions of thy life, obey thy heart, and thou
shalt reproduce the foreworld again." Forget thine own little
self, and fall back upon the Universal self, and thou shalt
reproduce, in living and enduring forms, a thousand beautiful
experiences; thou shalt find within thyself that simple goodness
which is greatness.