was reading the Gospel of Luke about the time when Jesus told
his disciples to launch out into deep water if they wanted to
get any fish. It's a message to anyone to anyone who wants to
pack meaning into his life. Get away from yourself. Don't be
tied up with yourself. "Put out into deep water, and let down
the nets for a catch" - and you'll pull up more values than
you could imagine."
of the ways you launch out into the deep is to embrace the profound
principle that abiding, joyous life comes only through giving.
The people who threw themselves into some great social issue-
forgetting themselves, being willing to suffer hurt if necessary
for their convictions and ideals - become the happiest people
in the world because they are growing bigger. When you give,
you get bigger, you grow, your personality expands. You become
a far greater individual by giving yourself, your time, your
money. "